The Chamber’s flagship Australian British Infrastructure Catalyst (ABIC) returned to the UK, on Monday 30 September to Thursday 3 October 2024.
We met the new British Government that is driving policy across transport and infrastructure. We showcased the best in metro rail, tackling the housing crisis with leading ideas in Transport Oriented Development and Modern Manufacturing Construction. At ABIC 2024, we had experts at the vanguard of changing demands for transport services, decarbonisation in service delivery, funding new infrastructure and services, research excellence into resilience and digital nous for ever-smarter cities and smarter transport.
The format was presentations and discussions under Chatham House, with an intimate group of leaders. It included many networking opportunities including a Welcome Reception at Australia House and the Catalyst Dinner at Battersea Power Station.
The Aims and Objectives of ABIC 2024 were:
- Build on the strong base of trade, investment and knowledge sharing in infrastructure and transport
- Reset thinking on social and economic outcomes for infrastructure investment
- Unpack project risk and what the big money is backing today
- Showcase excellence in rail and Transport Oriented Developments
- Decarbonise transport and the last mile delivery
- Explore most cost effective, productive and lower emission project delivery through Modern Methods of Construction
- Explore the research driving future efficiency and resilience in Infrastructure
- Future focussed thinking to attract and retain skills and jobs.
Please view the programme with the agenda and speakers HERE.
*Please note the ticket price did not include travel and accommodation. Although the Chamber organised travel to Sheffield and Manchester, and we organised a discounted group hotel booking. For more information, please contact Jennifer Cramond at
Individual Ticket
Member: $5,450
Non Member: $6,000



Laing O'Rourke Australia

Western Sydney University

Network Rail Consulting